Thursday, November 11, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Wednesday, June 02, 2010
A conversation...
Have you ever had one of "those kind" of conversations? The ones that begin with benign bantering? A cacophony of commonality? The drone of daily life? ??
I had such a one several weeks ago!! Are you wondering? Querying? As to why this merits a myriad of thought? A post? A blog?
The reason: a string of sound. Words. A sentence! A declaration!
A sentence that remains as if on loop. Playing again. And again. And AGAIN.
Let me take you back to "that day" !
I was chatting with a friend. Congratulating her on her soon to be "NEW" member of their family. You see this friend has THREE bio children and THREE that are a gift of adoption from Ethiopia. (they have been home just a smidgen less/more than a year from Ethiopia) And oh my mercy if they don't receive a call from.... CHINA. Long story short... they will be adding another daughter to their family...SOON! Wow! Again... congrats sweet friend!!!
As I was THEN talking about this fabulous, open, loving family with a dear neighbor (she too has adopted) From China & Ethiopia. Not thinking they would adopt again, YET, choosing to not say NO if God presents an opportunity ... I was in awe listening... intrigued by the selfLESSness! The accepting of God's will.
As we continued to visit she shared with me about a group of girls in China ALL waiting children... "Waiting" includes children that are, as the phrase says, WAITING on their forever family! OR perhaps they have what is considered a "Special Need" !! When I first heard this term several years ago it gave me pause. What was a "special need" How severe would it be? Is it curable? Could it be treated?
As my precious friend/neighbor expounded upon these little ones a world, an ocean away , I was moved by some of the SMALL NEED! One girl waiting needed... are you ready for this ??? She NEEDS.... Glasses!!!!! Seriously? Glasses?? That caught me so off guard! Glasses!! A small YET important item !!! You see... BOTH my girls.... Selah & Shaylee are "special needs" you know what their need is ?? Their EYES!!!! Strabismus.
I gasped and extolled " Why, I will buy her glasses!!!" ( inwardly thinking how very BIG of me!!! HORRORS!) My precious humble friend laid her hand on my knee and said
"But Bridget, She NEEDS a home" !!
WOE! Whoa!!!
Did you see that that?
Did you make the connection??
She needs a home!!
I am ashamed to say that I mentally & emotionally "checked out" after that.
Several days passed. I was sharing with Mark about our friends & neighbors and about the "NEED" of that one little girl. Again, I said and drug Mark right along with me declaring " We WILL buy her glasses" ! He agreed! Then.... isn't there always a "then" ???
I continued on reiterating the entire conversation and all the details I could recall. When I arrived at the pivotal part of the " But, Bridget she NEEDS a home", he reacted EXACTLY as I did!!!
Subject closed!!!
Dead End !
Life continues on!
However, as moments became minutes , and minutes hours, and hours days... those words "But,Bridget she needs a home." Reverberated! Resounded! Resonated!!
Internal arguing ensued!
I prayed! Because ... are you ready for some ugly to show?? I didn't want to even consider adoption... AGAIN! Selfish! I know! True just the same.
I then turned to His Word. James 1:22... But prove yourselves DOERS of this world not merely hearers who delude themselves. skip down to vs 25 ..." an effectual DOER will be blessed by what he DOES." vs 27 ..." in the sight of our God, pure and undefiled religion... take care of the orphans & the widows in their distress
distress |disˈtres|
• suffering caused by lack of money or the basic necessities of life : the poor were helped in their distress
Continue on to James chapter 2 ... vs 15~17 Suppose you see a brother or sister who needs food or clothing (perhaps even GLASSES & a home)and you say, "Well, good-bye and God bless you; stay warm and eat well"--but then you don't give that person any food or clothing. What good does that do?So you see, it isn't enough just to have faith. Faith that doesn't show itself by good deeds is no faith at all--it is dead and useless.
Pro 24:12 | Don't try to avoid responsibility by saying you didn't know about it. For God knows all hearts, and he sees you. He keeps watch over your soul, and he knows you knew! And he will judge all people according to what they have done. |
Mark and I have texted and not yet spoken in person... I think we are both SCARED!!
I know I am !!! I also know THE I Am !! And He WILL give wisdom! Direction!
" She needs a Home"
"She needs a home"
"She needs a home."
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About Me

- BridgetdSmith
- Wife to Mark for 24 years! Mom to 5 AMAZING children...GiGi to Delaney! I LOVE to laugh! REAL friends! The smell of coffe (not the taste). DIET COKE!! Learning a new word! The beach! Music! The sound of my girls giggling! Watching my guys play football! Praying for & with dear friends!